Legal notice
1. Company details
In accordance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Corporate Information and Electronic Commerce Services, below, please find the details of the company.
Company name: FABER 2000 SL
Nif / Cif (tax ID): B95043394
Registered office: Avenida Zorrozgoiti, 17 2º Izquierda - 48013 Bilbao (Bizkaia - Spain)
Telephone: 944422265
2. Intellectual property
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animation, software, text and any information and content presented on this website are protected by Spanish law on intellectual and industrial property rights, and belong to FABER 2000 SL. The reproduction and/or publication, in part or in full, of this website or the processing by computer or distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation or reverse engineering of its content or the exercise of any other rights legally held by the rightful owner is strictly prohibited, without prior written consent from FABER 2000 SL.
The user has the sole and exclusive right to use the material appearing on this website for their own personal and private use, and the use of said content for commercial ends or in connection with any illegal act is strictly prohibited. All intellectual property rights are expressly reserved by FABER 2000 SL.
FABER 2000 SL hereby undertakes to ensure that the abovementioned conditions are met and that the content presented on its website is used properly. Civil or legal proceedings will be brought against any user who infringes upon or fails to observe said rights.
3. Protection of data of a personal nature
In accordance with the legislation in force, as set forth in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD - organic personal data law), aimed at guaranteeing and protecting the freedoms and fundamental rights of individuals, in relation to how their personal information is treated, in particular protecting their honour and privacy, FABER 2000 SL hereby informs users that information of a personal nature is not requested or registered on this website.
4. Miscellaneous
A.- FABER 2000 SL does not use cookies that will be stored on your computer. Cookies are small files that our computer sends to yours. They do not, however, provide us with any information or with your name, or any personal information relating to you. When a user browses the FABER 2000 SL website, our server automatically recognises the IP address of their computer, the date and time at which the user logs on and off and information regarding the different parts of the site they visit. The server requires this information in order to submit any requests and send the information that can be seen by the user on their screen.
B.- FABER 2000 SL may modify the information contained on its website and the manner in which it is configured and presented without prior warning.
C.- FABER 2000 SL hereby undertakes to refrain from any MISLEADING ADVERTISING through this site. To this end, any errors involving form or numbers in the content of the various different sections of the FABER 2000 SL website arising from maintenance and/or incomplete or incorrect updating of the information contained in these sections shall not be considered as misleading advertising. Pursuant to the provisions set forth in this section, FABER 2000 SL hereby undertakes to correct any such errors as soon as they are brought to its attention.
D.- FABER 2000 SL hereby undertakes to refrain from SENDING MARKETING MESSAGES WITHOUT IDENTIFYING THEM AS SUCH, as provided under Law 34/2002 on corporate information and electronic commerce services. To this end, any information sent by FABER 2000 SL to its CUSTOMERS shall not be considered as marketing messages, provided that it is sent with a view to maintaining the contractual relationship existing between FABER 2000 SL and its customers, or in the performance of any information, training and other activities undertaken as part of the service which the company undertakes to provide to its customers.
E.- FABER 2000 SL shall not accept responsibility for non-compliance with any applicable rules and regulations on the part of the user by virtue of their access to the website and/or the use to which they put the information contained herein.
F.- FABER 2000 SL shall not accept responsibility for any damage or loss, whatever their nature, arising from the use of the information and materials contained in this website and the programmes that incorporate it. The links and hypertext that allow the user to gain access to services provided by third parties through this website are not the property of FABER 2000 SL, and it shall not accept responsibility for the information contained therein or for any effects that the said information might have.
G.- FABER 2000 SL shall not accept responsibility for the illegal use by third parties of any brand names, product names or trademarks which appear on this website but are not the property of said company. The company also denies any responsibility for the integrity, truthfulness and legality of the content of any links to other websites through this website.
H.- Finally, the User shall have sole responsibility for the use they make of the services, content, links and hypertext included in this website.